- Prayer
- Pray God to grant strength to meditate
- Set aside some time to meditate daily
- Spend some time in meditation (start with 15 min) every day. Try the two minute meditation rule.
- Meditate at the same time and the same place preferably
- Increase the meditation time from 15 min to 30 min gradually over a period of few weeks
- Take the 21 day meditation challenge to form a meditation habit
- Meditate as frequently and as regularly as possible. Remember short periods, many times always work best
- Maintain a meditation diary to track the time spent on meditation on a daily basis
- Individual Vs Group meditation
- Meditate with a group, like minded friends and family members
- Attend meditation programs, seminars and conferences on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis
- Meditate in the presence of a learned meditator, guide, guru, living master
- Review the after effects of meditation on a weekly basis
- Observe the behavior at home and work, on body, mind and soul, on health, relationships, attitude, reactions, communications, stress, risk handling capabilities.
- Meditation and Attitude
- Meditation requires patience and perseverance. Do not be disappointed and expect results overnight. Meditation is not a microwave technique.
- Determine the form of meditation that works best for you
- Identify the challenges faced in doing meditation and ways to overcome these challenges
- Keep meditating. Never give up. Make meditation, an addiction. Trust me, you will never complain.
- Tools to support meditation
- Use technology to aid in meditation like mobile apps that can help in meditation
- Use meditation aid’s like silent, peaceful place or room, clothes to keep you warm, mats, pillows, alarm clock.
- Listen to music that is soothing and relaxing before and after meditation
- Read books related to practice of silence and meditation
- Diet
- Maintain a vegetarian or a vegan diet