

The primary benefit of meditation is spiritual.

Spiritual benefits

French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin proclaims us to be spiritual beings having a human experience and not human beings having a spiritual experience. Meditation helps us to connect with our real self, true self, higher self, bigger self. Sooner than later, daily meditation helps us to realize that there is more to life beyond the body mind complex. A regular meditator connects daily with the one creator. His spirit makes a loud call “You little me, get out of me. You bigger me, get into me.

Law of Karma or the principle of cause and effect states “As we sow, so shall we reap”. Meditation helps us to keep a watch on our thoughts we think, the words we utter and the deeds we perform. The license of meditation guides us as a security guard motivating us to practice these words – guard your thoughts and your thoughts will guard you. Guard your words and your words will guard you. Guard your actions and your actions will guard you.

Secondary benefits of meditation cover health, emotional life, mental attitude and social impact

Health benefits

Prevention is better than cure. Meditation as medication is a preventive mechanism that keeps us away from dis-ease. A regular meditation of a few minutes helps us in coping with our negative emotions like anger, frustration, guilt, grief, fear, anxiety, depression, doubt, worry. Medical studies have proven that meditation can create a better hormonal balance thereby preventing alopecia (sudden hair loss), reducing blood pressure levels, preventing cancerous diseases, reducing heart ailments, curing migraines and increasing brain’s processing power. There are endless health benefits of daily meditation. A regular meditator, uses silence, a great stress buster to develop the health of the spirit on which depends the health of the body and the mind.

Mental benefits

Meditation is a process of concentration. Daily meditation improves our capabilities to focus our attention towards key activities in life. We are able to accomplish life’s goals in a successful manner by focusing on one activity at a time. Meditation brings a balance in our work and life. Our performance, efficiency and productivity at work increase. Our attitude towards life is a positive and constructive one. Our relationships at home and outside with others are full of compassion. Our mind feels relaxed without any kind of tension. A regular meditator begins to see success in every failure.

Emotional benefits

Human beings are emotional. Positive emotions or joy givers are peaceful. Negative emotions or fun killers are disturbing. Emotions like affection, compassion, love, faith, happiness accelerate our life. Emotions like fear, worry, anxiety and sadness retard our life. A regular meditator is always a lover, never a hater. He is successfully able to bury the worry. Meditation in solitude brings in gratitude. Meditation in devotion unravels the mystic emotion.

Here is what Albert Einstein has to say about the mystic emotion. “The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science. Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man. To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties – this knowledge, this feeling … that is the core of the true religious sentiment. In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men.

Social benefits

A regular meditator forgives a truth fabricator. With the practice of daily meditation, we start to practice the mystic emotion. We begin to have love for all, oneness with all and compassion towards all. With selflessness, we practice the words “Hath kaar val, dil yaar val”, our hands do the task of service, with our heart aligned towards God, our unfailing companion. We begin to feel a state of unity with the entire creation. Nature, animals, birds now become a part of us and we, as human beings a part of them.


Meditation, a golden silence Copyright © 2017 by Tarun J Karani. All Rights Reserved.