A Little More Logical, 2nd edition
Reasoning Well About Science, Ethics, Religion, and the Rest of Life
By Brendan Shea
A Free, Creative Commons Textbook
“A Little More Logical: Reasoning Well About Science, Ethics, Religion, and the Rest of Life”
2nd edition
Copyright 2024 by Brendan Shea
This ebook is licensed under the CC-BY license. You are free to share, copy, distribute, and transmit the work, as well as to remix, adapt, and build upon the work for any purpose, even commercially, as long as you attribute the work to the original author.
The Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license allows users to share, adapt, and build upon the work, as long as proper attribution is given to the original author. This license allows for the maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.
Thoughtful Noodle Books
401 16th St. NE
Rochester, MN 55906
ISBN: Not assigned
Cover design by Brendan Shea
Second edition, June 2024
What People are (Not) Saying About “A Little More Logical”
(In case it isn’t obvious, these are fictional!)
“Let me tell you, I learned a lot in this book! It was really illuminating. I learned the difference between deductive and inductive arguments, and how to recognize a fallacy when I see it. I also mastered the scientific method, which has been really useful in my line of work. And as for categorical logic? That was a breeze! I’ve always heard that ‘You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain,’ and I’m living proof that mastering logic is the key to success. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some world domination to attend to.” – The Joker
“A Little More Logical was so much fun! I was really relieved to learn that logic wasn’t going to be as hard as I thought. I learned about all kinds of different arguments and fallacies like Appeal to Force, Appeal to Ignorance, False Dichotomy, and Hasty Generalization, and I’m pretty sure I can use these back in my courtroom days. I recommend studying hard and focusing on the Premises and Conclusions of each argument – that’s what helped me pass with flying colors! Now, let me tell you about why you should wear more pink…” (Elle Woods – Legally Blond)
“This book was quite an adventure! I had a lot of fun learning about Deductive vs Inductive Arguments, and how to make Deductive Valid and Inductive Strong arguments. It was like I was back in the future, understanding the mechanics of time travel! I also learned how to make informed decisions using Categorical and Propositional Logic. I suggest studying a little every night – that will help you understand the concepts better. Oh, and don’t forget to bring your flux capacitor!” (Doc Brown – Back to the Future)
“A Little More Logical was mind-bending! I learned about all kinds of logical fallacies, like Circular Reasoning, False Cause, and Equivocation, and I think I can use these to make sense of the weird things I’ve seen in the upside-down. Moral and Legal Arguments were also interesting – they’re definitely of use here in Hawkins, Indiana! I recommend studying the examples provided in the textbook and asking lots of questions – that’s what helped me understand the material better.” (Eleven – Stranger Things)
“I thought this book was an interesting challenge. I learned about the scientific method and how to apply it to arguments, and I feel like I’m ready to tackle any medical mystery now! I also learned about Arguments using Statistics and it was like being back in the Diagnostics Department at Princeton-Plainsboro. I suggest doing the practice problems in the textbook and using the internet for extra research – that helped me ace the final exam! You won’t even need a bottle of Vicodin to get through it.” (House, M.D.)
Welcome to “A Little More Logical”, an open educational resource designed to make the study of logic engaging, accessible, and relevant for students and teachers alike. In today’s world, where information is abundant but not always reliable, the ability to think critically, construct sound arguments, and evaluate the reasoning of others has never been more important. This book aims to equip you with these essential skills by exploring the fascinating world of logic.
Throughout the chapters, you’ll encounter a wide range of topics, from the basics of argumentation and logical fallacies to the applications of logic in fields like ethics, religion, science, and computing. The book is designed to be both rigorous and entertaining, using popular culture references, thought-provoking examples, and interactive exercises to illustrate key concepts and keep you engaged.
One of the unique features of “A Little More Logical” is its focus on the practical applications of logic. You’ll learn how to use logical reasoning to analyze real-world arguments, from political debates to scientific theories to conspiracy theories. You’ll also discover how logic has shaped the development of important fields like computer science and statistics, and how it can inform your own decision-making and problem-solving skills.
Another key aim of this book is to highlight the contributions of a diverse range of thinkers, from ancient philosophers like Socrates to modern-day pioneers in logic, mathematics, and computing. By learning about the lives and ideas of figures like Ada Lovelace, W.E.B. Du Bois, Hannah Arendt, and Alan Turing, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the human story behind the development of logic and its applications.
Whether you’re a student looking to improve your critical thinking skills, a teacher searching for engaging materials to use in your classroom, or simply someone who wants to learn more about the power of logical reasoning, “A Little More Logical” has something to offer. By the end of this book, you’ll have a robust toolkit of logical concepts and techniques, as well as a greater appreciation for the role of logic in our lives and in the world around us.
I hope you’ll find this book to be a valuable resource in your learning journey, and I encourage you to share it with others who may benefit from its contents. Happy reading and happy reasoning!
Overview of the Book
The book begins with Chapter 1, titled “Splinter’s Logic Lesson”, which covers the basics of logic, arguments, premises, and conclusions. You’ll learn what an argument is, how to distinguish statements from arguments, how to put an argument in standard form, and about different branches of logic. This chapter also highlights the influential ancient Greek philosopher Socrates.
Chapter 2, “Ask Alice”, dives deeper into evaluating deductive and inductive arguments. You’ll learn the key differences between these two major argument types, study common valid and invalid argument forms, and practice assessing the logical strength of various deductive and inductive arguments. This chapter discusses the work of Ada Lovelace, an important early figure in computing.
Chapter 3, “Cartoonishly Bad Reasoning”, introduces the concept of informal fallacies and provides a helpful taxonomy of many common fallacies. You’ll learn how to spot and avoid reasoning errors like begging the question, ad hominem attacks, false dichotomies, appeals to ignorance, appeals to pity, and appeals to force. This chapter also covers the ideas of influential thinker W.E.B. Du Bois.
Chapter 4, “Movie Villains Explain Fallacies of Weak Induction”, continues exploring fallacies, focusing on inductive fallacies like hasty generalizations, false cause fallacies, and appeals to unqualified authorities. The chapter illustrates these errors with relevant and entertaining examples from popular culture. You’ll also learn about the philosophical contributions of Hannah Arendt.
Chapter 5, “Arguing About God”, applies logical reasoning to the philosophy of religion, examining arguments for the existence of God, the problem of evil, and the idea of religion as a useful fiction. This chapter features the work of philosopher Blaise Pascal.
Chapter 6, “Arguing About Right and Wrong”, delves into moral philosophy, covering major ethical frameworks like egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and social contract theory. You’ll see how these theories can be applied to real-world ethical dilemmas.
Chapter 7, “Logic and Computational Thinking with Python”, explores the fascinating connections between logic and computer science. You’ll learn about the key concepts of computational thinking and get an introduction to the Python programming language. This chapter also discusses the groundbreaking work of Alan Turing.
Chapter 8, “The Logic of Probability” covers the basics of probability theory and the many applications of Bayes’ Theorem, from medical diagnosis to the existence of God. You’ll learn about the work of pioneering statistician Florence Nightingale.
Chapter 9, “Statistics With Werewolves”, provides a fun and engaging introduction to key concepts in statistics, including measures of central tendency, dispersion, correlation, causation, and polling. This chapter highlights the influential work of Rachel Carson.
Chapter 10, “How Does Science Work?”, examines the philosophy of science, covering topics like the structure of scientific explanations, hypothesis testing, and the demarcation problem of distinguishing science from pseudoscience. You’ll study the different views of philosophers like Carnap, Popper, and Kuhn.
Chapter 11, “Conspiracy Theories”, applies the tools of critical thinking to analyze and evaluate conspiracy theories. You’ll learn about the psychological mechanisms that make such theories attractive and examine real-world examples like Holocaust denial.
The book concludes with “Virtues of Logic”, which argues for the importance of cultivating intellectual virtues and practicing the skills of constructing and critiquing arguments. You’ll see how the tools of logic
About the Author
Brendan Shea is Instructor of philosophy and computer science at Rochester Community and Technical College in Minnesota. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, as well as a graduate certificate in instructional design. In addition, Brendan has a graduate certificate in computer programming from Harvard University Extension and a bachelor’s degree in English from Winona State University.
Brendan’s research and teaching expertise is in the areas of logic, philosophy of science, and applied ethics, with a particular focus on bioethics and the ethics of technology. He also has competence in the areas of history of science and technology, philosophy of religion, political philosophy, and data science.
Throughout his career, Brendan has taught a wide range of courses in philosophy, including bioethics, logic, ethics, philosophy of religion, and introductory philosophy, as well as courses in computer science, humanities, and non-credit professional development. He has received consistently high ratings on student evaluations, and was named Outstanding Educator of the Year at RCTC in 2017-2018. Brendan has also served on various committees at the college, including the Outstanding Educator Selection Committee, the Academic Affairs and Standards Council, and the Faculty Instructional Development Grant Committee.
In addition to his teaching and administrative responsibilities, Brendan has published numerous articles in philosophy journals and presented at conferences. He serves a Resident Fellow at the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science and as a public member of the Institutional Biosafety Committee at Mayo Clinic-Rochester. Brendan has held leadership roles in professional organizations, including serving as vice president and president of the Minnesota Philosophical Society.
A Note on the Use of AI Tools
These chapters were initially developed as the “generative AI” explosion took off (staring with OpenAI’s GPT 3.0), and I’ve had fun experimenting with many of these tools—including successive versions of ChatGPT, Google Bard, Claude, Codey, CoPilot, and others—in helping to turn my (voluminous, but often unorganized) lecture notes into something resembling a proper book. My experience was these tools with these has been generally positive, and I think that they can someday do at least some of the work done by traditional editors and publishing houses (I say this as a former editor at an academic press!). I’m less convinced they are going to immediately replace the actual writer or programmer, though, as there’s still a fair amount of expertise (and effort!) into producing quality, meaningful output.
About Thoughtful Noodle Books
Thoughtful Noodle Books is a (fictional) imprint for (real!) books written by Brendan Shea. Here at Thoughtful Noodle Books, our mission is to make philosophy and computer science textbooks accessible to everyone. All of our works are available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, which means that you can use, modify, and share them for any purpose. I (Brendan) invite you to use and adapt this textbook however you see fit.
More generally, I believe that open-access works have several advantages over traditional textbooks. The most obvious benefit is that they are free, which helps to reduce the cost of education. Additionally, open-access works are more easily adapted and updated, so that instructors can quickly incorporate new research and technologies into their courses. Finally, open-access works are more transparent and collaborative, which encourages student engagement and allows for more diverse perspectives.