


Healthy ecosystems are essential for supporting a wide array of species. Humans are not removed from this cycle, as we rely on our environment to keep us healthy, fed and supported in our daily lives. Without sustainable development, protecting the diversity of life on our planet and keeping ourselves warm and fed can seem like an impossible task. Protecting our lands means protecting the soil and species that live there. This is particularly important for industries located near natural ecosystems such as mining and agriculture. The right balance between our needs and the needs of our planet is essential to preserving life on land.

Learning Objectives

  • Learners will understand basic ecological systems and biodiversity, with reference to local and global ecosystems.
  • Learners will understand the threats posed to biodiversity, such as habitat loss, deforestation, overexploitation and invasive species.
  • Learners will understand the importance of stopping destructive environmental practices that cause biodiversity loss.
  • Learners will be able to connect with local groups and advocate for a life in harmony with nature.

Essential Questions

Article: 101 Reasons Why I’m Vegetarian (Pamela Rice)


Eco-Justice: Linking Human Rights and the Environment (This link will lead you to a place where one can request to borrow/purchase the publication).


Media (Identification of Value/Biases):

What important perspectives are needed for a story on environmental issues?


How is humanity a part of our natural environment and apart from it?

Poverty, wealth and Power

How does deforestation, and other forms of environmental degradation, relate to poverty?

Indigenous Peoples

How have Indigenous communities advocated for environmental protection?

Oppression and genocide

How does war impact environmental conservation?

Health and biotechnology

How does environmental degradation impact our health?

Gender politics

How is soil degradation a gendered issue?

Social justice and human rights

How do minorities and vulnerable populations experience environmental degradation and/or resource extraction uniquely?

Peace and conflict

How can we develop a program for peace that includes environmental protection?


Overview of The Goal

Did you know that 80 percent of land animals and plants live in forests?

You might not think about it every day, but forests, farm lands and animals play a huge part in our daily lives. Forests provide habitats for animals, food, and are part of the water cycle. Farms are a source of food and livelihood. Animals serve as a source of food and also as an important part of all ecosystems. Without action, we could lose these crucial resources to deforestation and land degradation


Did you know…

1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihood

80 percent of land animals and plants live in forests

2.6 billion people depend directly on agriculture

Loss of farmable land is estimated at 30 to 35 times the historical rate

8 percent of the known 8,300 animal breeds are extinct and 22 percent are at risk

You might not think about it every day, but forests, farm lands and animals play a huge part in our daily lives. Forests provide habitats for animals, food, and are part of the water cycle. Farms are a source of food and livelihood. Animals serve as a source of food and also as an important part of all ecosystems. Without action, we could lose these crucial resources to deforestation and land degradation.


Overview Handout


Overview of this SDG from the United Nations


Learning Activities

Book: Animal Liberation (Peter Singer)

Select excerpts explore rationalization for humans’ right to use, abuse & kill other animals/ sentient beings for their own purposes.

Beyond Beef (Jeremy Rifkin)


Book: Mad Cow Disease: Industrial Farming Comes Home to Roost (Rampton & Stauber)


Handout: Why should you care about the pollinators?


Websites for Research: WHY DO FORESTS MATTER?

As we grow and need more land for farming and living space, our forests shrink. Why is it important that we preserve them?

National Geographic | Deforestation

Amazon Deforestation, Once Tamed, Comes Roaring Back

World Wildlife Fund | Deforestation

Why do Forests Matter?

Funding farmers to tackle climate change

Stopping deforestation might be easier than we thought



All living things are connected to each other. Take a look at why biodiversity is so important.

National Geographic | Biodiversity

Climate Change Is Becoming a Top Threat to Biodiversity

Shepherding back our biodiversity

Empowering African policymakers to combat wildlife trafficking

Why is biodiversity so important?

Can Mushrooms Save the Honey Bee?

Save the salamanders, unsung heroes of the forest



Desertification and land degradation are often caused by over farming and poor land management. Investigate how we can use land more responsibly.

High and dry: Degraded lands are driving people from their homes

Land degradation threatens human wellbeing, major report warns

How Desertification Works

How to fight desertification and reverse climate change



Animals are a part of our daily lives in one way or another. Explore the different roles they play.

Bats Are Important

10 Reasons You Should Love Bats

Why bees are disappearing

The hidden beauty of pollination

Rats Save Humans From Landmines

Semper Fido

Wild For Life

Navy Dolphins



Websites for Research: MEET THE HELPERS

Hero Rats

Therapy Dogs

These Kids Won a Court Case Forcing Colombia to Protect the Amazon

Brazil Begins Effort to Plant 73 Million Trees in the Amazon

Energy-Saving Trees

Wild for Life

A Grass-Roots Movement For Healthy Soil Spreads Among Farmers

This Florida Teen Just Planted 400 Trees to Save Florida’s Coastline



Save the Park


Lesson Plans: Recording the Rainforest from Nature.org


Lesson Plans: Make Space for Nature: Why Biodiversity is Key to Achieving the Global Goals


Lesson Plans: Wild For Life!


Lesson Plans: The Impact of Pollution on Our Planet and Our Lives


Further Research and Activities



Ted Talk What It Feels Like to See Earth from Space

Take a minute to watch this TED talk by artist Benjamin Grant: What it feels like to see Earth from space. If you want to see more photos check out his website, Daily Overview.

How does seeing this different perspective make you feel? Share your thoughts.

Social media

Below are links to several dynamic conversations, communities and experts on social media.












Assessment and Reflection

Reflection Journal

  • Describe the learning activities (articles, videos, etc.) and your experience – What did you do/hear/see?
  • Interpret and evaluate the events from your perspective – What do I think about it now? How does it relate to other things that I know?
  • Explain your experience; reveal your new insights, connections with other learning, your hypotheses, and your conclusions.
  • Reflect on how this information will be useful to you – What questions do I have? Have I changed how I think about the situation? Where do I go from here?
  • What did you particularly value and why?
  • Is there anything you would do in the next unit? What have you learned? What will you do with these lessons?

Renewable Assignment Options

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Consider a life with less packaging by reusing containers and bringing your own bag. Recycling and reducing our waste will mean less of it ends up in our ecosystems. Sort your recyclables correctly, use reusable food wrap, keep a reusable water bottle handy, don’t print if you don’t have to, turn off the lights and take shorter showers. These are all small actions that can help make a big difference for our planet.

Eat local, organic and fair trade. When we eat local, we reduce the amount of emissions needed to transport our produce from far away. Organic-, Rainforest Alliance- and Fairtrade-certified products ensure the environment and farmers are getting a fair deal. In particular, they protect local ecosystems from harmful practices, overuse of pesticides and unsustainable sourcing that damages ecosystems near agricultural and recreational land.

Go vegetarian. Beyond ethical and health reasons, increases in meat consumption mean increased demands for agricultural lands that are often reclaimed from natural ecosystems. Find out what produce is grown locally and whether it’s organic or less resource intensive. Try going vegetarian or reduce your weekly consumption to ensure we keep our forests sustainably wild and free.

Respect our wildlife. If you’re heading out on a holiday, make sure you choose ethical and responsible eco-tourism opportunities. It’s important to utilize tour operators that respect ecosystems to ensure our leisure doesn’t result in habitat loss or animal harm.

Use your voice. Be a voice for our planet and advocate for your community and government to support well-managed, healthy and protected ecosystems through policy support, awareness and actions. Learn about environmental management in your area and find time to do a clean-up challenge with your school or community organization. Get involved in the preservation of vulnerable or important ecosystems in your community.

Plant trees. Follow the lead of Trees for Tomorrow.. Order trees for schools, communities or your own backyard.

Check out Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society (CPAWS). Learn more about campaigns within Manitoba to protect ecosystems and biodiversity. See what’s happening within the province and choose an issue to work on.

Go to a park near you. Explore biodiversity and the local ecosystem.

Host an event. Help educate your community on the importance of Goal 15.

Animals are an important part of many aspects of life on land, including helping us in our daily lives. Donate to a service animal organization or sponsor a hero animal, like Apopo’s heroRATs. Raise awareness of their importance within your school or community and fundraise money to support your cause of choice.

Adopt or gift a HeroRAT

Service dogs

Counter deforestation in your community by planting trees! Ask for donations from local garden stores or nurseries to support the effort.

How to Plant Containerized Trees

From seed to sapling – Time lapse of an oak tree

How Do Trees Transport Water from Roots to Leaves?

Our food supply relies heavily on the help of pollinators. Help support pollinator populations by planting gardens that provide diverse sources of nectar and pollen.

National Pollinator Garden Network

Gardening for Pollinators

World Bee Day

Sustainable consuming is one way we can actively help achieve this goal. Research to find local farmers who use sustainable methods. Host a farmer’s market at school inviting only those farms.

The Circular Economy and Modern Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture – The Basics

Sustainable Agriculture