


In order to achieve all the targets laid out in the 2030 Agenda, we will have to revitalize and enhance the ability for governments, civil society, the private sector, the UN and other stakeholders to mobilize the necessary resources. Improving effective support for developing countries, in particular the least developed countries and small island states, is essential to equal progress for all.

Learning Objectives

  • Learners will understand global issues, and the importance of global multi-stakeholder partnerships and the shared accountability for sustainable development.
  • Learners will understand the concepts around measuring progress on sustainable development.
  • Learners will be able to raise awareness about the importance of global partnerships for sustainable development.
  • Learners will be able to work with others to promote global partnerships for sustainable development and demand government accountability for the SDGs.
  • Learners will be able to become agents for change and take on their role as active, critical, global and sustainable citizens.
  • Learners will be able to publicly demand and support the development of policies promoting global partnerships and sustainable development.

Essential Questions

Book: A People’s History of the United States: Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress (Howard Zinn) https://www.historyisaweapon.com/zinnapeopleshistory.html

Website: Take a Stand (Student Activism Around the World)


Media (Identification of Value/Biases):

How is development reported in the media? What role does the media play in ensuring the Global Goals are met?


How can development remain environmentally conscious?

Poverty, wealth and power

How are “South-South” partnerships for poverty reduction changing development? Do wealthy countries have unique obligations to implement the Global Goals?

Indigenous Peoples

Why is Indigenous knowledge important in creating sustainable development policies and practices? How can Indigenous knowledge be incorporated into procedures?

Oppression and genocide

How does oppression impact the distribution of social, economic, and political benefits of development?

Health and biotechnology

How can we work together globally to ensure Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being for all? Can biotechnology play a role?

Gender politics

What are important considerations for ensuring gender equality in international development?

Social justice and human rights

What basic human rights are affected by the Global Goals? How will achieving the Global Goals improve human rights around the world?

Peace and conflict

How does war and conflict affect our ability to reach the Global Goals? How can we encourage peace and conflict mediation at a local, national, and international level?

Overview of The Goal

The Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved by one person, one nation, or one sector alone.

The goals require creative solutions that emerge when people with wildly different perspectives join forces, pool resources and push each other’s ideas forward. When we come together, we are capable of incredible things.


Why is this goal Important?

The Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved by one person, one nation or one sector alone.

The goals require creative solutions that emerge when people with wildly different perspectives join forces, pool resources and push each other’s ideas forward. When we come together, we are capable of incredible things.


The UN has been tackling global issues since 1945, but how did the organization form?

The United Nations is born

The United Nations | Khan Academy

The United Nations and How It Works

How Does The UN Work? (Video)



In 2015 the UN presented the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030 | Michael Green | TED Talks

The World’s Largest Lesson

President Barack Obama: Keynote Address #GOALKEEPERS17


Overview Handout




Learning Activities


We can only meet the SDGs if we work together. How do partnerships play into this?

Switchpoint Ideas

New Kapiolani Community College food truck delivers summer meals to children

Project Au-Some: Building Empathy and Collaboration

Resources for Building Community Partnerships

Smashing Siloes: A New Era of Alliances and Partnerships for the SDGs

Why collaboration will be key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Partnerships for the SDGs


Websites for Research: Look for the Helpers

Check out the stories below of young people taking action in their communities and around the world:

New York City Will Be First City Ever to Report on Its UN Global Goals Progress

Social World Cup

UN-World Bank Group Sign a Strategic Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda

Malala Yousafzai: The Power of Women’s Movements

Goalkeepers | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Students as Goalkeepers

eTwinning: Virtual Classroom Exchanges

Global Arts Corps



Explore the SDGs with this card game as a class or in small groups. Pick a goal to focus on and find a local organization or company to partner with to work towards that goal.

Websites for Research: EXAMPLES AND RESOURCES

Building Partnership Map

Creating Community Around The SDGs


Activity: Asset mapping

As a class, define what an “asset” is. Compile a list of the strengths and resources available in your community. Using a digital or physical map, place all of your found assets and discuss what your maps reveal.

Asset Mapping

Lesson Plan There’s No Point Going Half Way – From MDGs to the Global Goals


Lesson Plan Working Together to Achieve the Global Goals


Lesson Plan the Global Goals Debate


Further Research and Activities



Assessment and Reflection

Reflection Journal

Quote: One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now. -Paulo Coelho

Quote: Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships. Stephen Covey

  • Describe the learning activities (articles, videos, etc.) and your experience – What did you do/hear/see?
  • Interpret and evaluate the events from your perspective – What do I think about it now? How does it relate to other things that I know?
  • Explain your experience; reveal your new insights, connections with other learning, your hypotheses, and your conclusions.
  • Reflect on how this information will be useful to you – What questions do I have? Have I changed how I think about the situation? Where do I go from here?
  • What did you particularly value and why?
  • Is there anything you would do in the next unit? What have you learned? What will you do with these lessons?

Renewable Assignment Options

Start in your own circle. Join or create a group in your local community that seeks to mobilize action on the implementation of the SDGs. Find out what organizations and stakeholders would benefit from getting involved and reach out to them.

Speak up and speak out. Encourage your governments to partner with businesses for the implementation of the SDGs. Read up about how companies can advance each of the SDGs here and write letters, make social media posts, and tweet about it. Start making the links between private business and public organizations.

Join the community and tell someone about it. Take action with the Sustainable Development Goals App and learn what goes into the Global Goals, how you can help make issues a priority and how to make sustainable choices with your community. Register your own actions and initiatives on the SDGs Partnerships Platform to inform, educate, network and be inspired!

Stay informed. Follow the news or connect on social media, and keep track of how your country is doing to meet their commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals. Use the handle @globalGoalsUN to stay connected on social media and tell people about your work by using the hashtag #GlobalGoals.

Create a swap and shop event in your school. Demonstrate the importance of universal, open and non-discriminatory trade. Have students donate and swap clothing in order to understand how trade functions and how it can benefit everyone.

Connect with schools in your community to implement a shared resource program or a combined activity day to encourage shared action and partnerships. Join together for a mini conference, a project fair or something else that gets everyone involved and engaged.

Find the people in your community who are working on the global goals on the front lines. Have your students interview them (face-to-face or via Skype) about partnerships in their local community. These conversations can help you and your students understand how to take action in responsible and effective ways. Possible local experts include:

Invite a local organization or individual working towards one of the SDGs to talk to your class.

Find a collaborating classroom on Empatico or the Wonderment. Or click here to find a match in Participate’s Teach the Global Goals community of practice.

Start a Model UN club at your school or hold a model UN conference. Make the Sustainable Development Goals a key item to discuss on your agenda.

Five Things You Should Know About Model UN

Model United Nations