2 Our Student Producer Team


Emily Albright (Minnesota State University, Mankato)

Emily majored in Communication Studies and minored in Mass Media. Emily is a known mentor and was heavily involved on campus as a Student Ambassador and a Community Advisor in the Residence Halls at Minnesota State. She graduated in Spring, 2019.


Sontiana (Sonti) Brandts (Minnesota State University, Mankato)

Sonti majored in Communication Studies and minored in Psychology. As she states in an early episode, Sonti was “navigating college from a wheelchair” after an automobile accident left her paralyzed. Sonti’s journey to college involved many ups and downs, starts and stops, and uncertainty in her chosen field of study. Ultimately, however, she found her way and graduated in Spring, 2019.


Monte Brown (Minnesota State University, Mankato)

Monte majored in Education with an emphasis in Health Education. He was student- teaching at the time this podcast was made. A significant part of Monte’s educational story involved finding his place and his identity in college as an African-American man on a predominately white campus. He graduated in Spring 2019 and is ready to begin graduate school.


Tanita Cronk (Century College)

Tanita is completing her Liberal Arts transfer pathway with an emphasis in Creative Writing and Communication Studies. She served as the editor of The Century Times, and has been employed at Century College as a much-in-demand in-class and Peer Tutor. She is the mother of two children, and she’s prepared to transfer to Metro State University during the 2019-20 year.


Ana Leyva (Minnesota State University, Mankato)

Ana is majoring in music education. She describes herself in the introductory episode as “just another first-generation Hispanic student,” but she has gained much recognition and acclaim as an Honors student and in her role as a Learning Community Coordinator. She will graduate in 2020.


Marko Milosevic (Century College)

Marko is completing his Liberal Arts transfer pathway with an emphasis in Communication Studies and a direction towards public policy and advocacy. Marko has earned multiple Bronze Stars for his tours of duty in the US Army. He’s a tireless voice for veterans in the classroom and in the community, a mentor and in-class tutor, and he continues to work with the Veteran’s Defense Project to promote restorative justice for returning veterans.


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Finding Your Place College Podcast Series Educator's Guide Copyright © 2021 by Robert Jersak and David Engen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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