6 Finding Your Place Audio Introduction Assignment


“Think of the kind of world you’d like to live and work in.

What will you need to know to build that world?

Demand your teachers teach you that.

Colman McCarthy

The purpose of this first assignment is to get you to communicate with your instructor and to open an important channel of interaction, which will encourage feedback and support for your learning.

Look over the seven questions below and respond to any three or four of them. Leave me a voicemail message at ( ).

Please start your message with your name and the class you’re in, and re-read the questions you’re answering. Be yourself. There is no way to do this assignment wrong. Don’t worry if you lose a thought or struggle to say something – just share with me what you are comfortable sharing. There is no time limit on these, but most often they are between 3 and 5 minutes in length (3-5 minutes for the entire recording, not 3-5 minutes per question). Let yourself talk as you feel comfortable, etc.

  • What brings you to this college? What are your hopes and dreams for life after graduating college?

  • What’s your experience with college so far? Are you just starting, returning for another degree, or something else?


  • What excites you about being in college?


  • What fears or concerns do you have about this semester?


  • Can you share a story about when you felt really good in a school setting? Maybe a great class or time with a teacher you really liked…anything you’d like to discuss.


  • Can you share a story about a time when you felt not so good in a school setting?

  • Are there any skills you really want/need to build to be successful in college? What do you “demand” you learn in this First Year Seminar class?


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Finding Your Place College Podcast Series Educator's Guide Copyright © 2021 by Robert Jersak and David Engen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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