13 Acknowledgements


First and foremost, we would like to again thank our student producers Emily Albright, Sonti Brandts, Monte Brown, Tanita Cronk, Ana Leyva and Marko Milosevic for their talents, their patience and their brilliant work on this series. We thank their families and loved ones as well for opening the door to this production.


Sasha Aslanian (American Public Media) served as an informal consultant to this series. Her expertise in radio and podcasting, her passion for student voices and her constant encouragement helped give the series depth and authenticity.


Marcus Bagala has produced soundtracks for nationally-syndicated radio programs, including This American Life. His music perfectly set the tone of each Finding Your Place episode, and he graciously donated his album, Materials, for use in this series. Please support his work at https://www.marcusbagala.com/


Stephen Kelly (Open Education and Innovation Program Coordinator for Minnesota State) supported this work in every way possible: facilitating the Shark Tank innovation grant funding events, responding to budgeting and distribution questions, and connecting us with interested campuses, departments and programs.


April Walton (Director of Continuing Education at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University) has always served as a guide and mentor in our journey through CDS&Duke coursework, helping us build connections and choose curriculum that would best serve our skills.


Gary Hatteberg (independent media producer) played a vital role in helping us create and share the story of the Dreaming by Degrees/Finding Your Place production.


Zoe Ross has been a wonderful advocate for the series, serving as a producer for the PSEO Experience episode, as well as an outstanding intern for promotion, aggregation of survey data and accessibility review of this Educator’s Guide.


Dave and Robert also wish to thank many others who lent us their voices and/or provided support, feedback and cheers throughout the production: Michele Jersak, Jenn Rasset, Kelly Pontowatrain, Jenni Swenson, Julie Zaloudek, Mymique Baxter, Brenda Flannery, Gina Maahs-Zurbey, Amanda Olson, Maxwell Poessnecker, Frank Schultz, Mareese Brown, Rachel Tanquist, Laura Bemel, Eddie Engen and Grace Engen.


Dave would also like to express appreciation for the Nadine B. Andreas Creative or Faculty Research Grant he received from the Department of Communication Studies at MSU, Mankato in the summer of 2019. The grant provided additional time to complete the editing of the podcast and begin working on research to explore the potential impact of this and other podcasts in higher education.




















 The Finding Your Place Podcast Series has been created with the support of Minnesota State “Shark Tank” grant funding for innovation in higher education. 



The Finding Your Place Educator’s Guide is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA). This license allows you to remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you credit the creators and license any new creations under the identical terms.



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Finding Your Place College Podcast Series Educator's Guide Copyright © 2021 by Robert Jersak and David Engen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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