Veiny Pea
Lathyrus venosus is a member of the Fabaceae (Pea) family, also called bushy vetchling. This native perennial in the Lathyrus genus is similar in form to plants in the Vicia genus (such as American vetch, another native vining legume) except the stipules at the base of the leaf stalks differ, and also the flower clusters of veiny pea are more bunched. Veiny pea stipules are sharply pointed on each end (see photo), with one end a bit longer than the other. To me, it somewhat resembes a butterfly shape.

As you traipse through your neck of the woods in the part shade and sun of dry, open woods and thickets, enjoy veiny pea’s pretty purple/pink flowers you may come across blooming May through July.
Fruit is a 1 to 3 inch smooth, flat pod, 1/4″ wide.