
Sulphur Cinquefoil

Potentilla recta is a midsummer blooming flower in our area, but regionally can start June and last through August. This perennial in the Rose family originated in Europe and now has found a home in sunny areas along roads and in fields or prairies.

Five petals are sweetly heart-shaped at their outer edges, pale in color, with a sunny yellow center. The green flower sepals peek in between each petal. Leaves are an easy way to ID this plant as well, for they are palmately compound in groups of 3 to 7, deeply toothed, and h airy. Stems are distinctly hairy as well.

As the fertilized flower ripens into fruit, the sepals eventually dry and close up protectively around the brown seeded treasure formed inside.


Wildflowers of Little Bass Lake Copyright © by Stephanie Mirocha. All Rights Reserved.