
Pointed-leaf Tick-trefoil

Desmodium glutinosum is a native plant that appeared in late July in the shady forested area near the cabin. After identifying this plant’s species, which places it in the Pea family, the first thing I did was to learn about the etymology of its complicated name. Desmodium comes from the Greek, desmos which means a ‘branch, or chain’, which makes perfect sense when you seed the arrangement of the seed pods that form as ripened fruit. The fruit forms along the stem, attaching right to it in a chain-like pattern. Stay tuned for that sight in the fall! The species name, glutinosum, means ‘very sticky’. As for the common parts of the name, the ‘tick‘ refers to the barbed hairs, or ticks, that form on the seed pods, and ‘trefoil’ is because there are 3-part leaves. OK. We made it through that!



Wildflowers of Little Bass Lake Copyright © by Stephanie Mirocha. All Rights Reserved.